
Warunki pracy Praca w siedzibie urzędu, jak i poza nią, reprezentowanie urzędu na zewnątrz, praca przy monitorze ekranowym powyżej 4 godzin dziennie. Obciążenie mięśniowo – szkieletowe oraz obciążenie narządu wzroku podczas pracy przy monitorach...


świętokrzyskie / Końskie

Kuratorium Oświaty w Kielcach

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Pracownik administracyjno - biurowy

Zakres obowiązków: Obsługa i rejestracja korespondencji przychodzącej i wychodzącej Prowadzenie dokumentacji wynikającej z przepisów ochrony środowiska i gospodarowania odpadami Prowadzenie rejestracji odpadów w bazie BDO wraz z dokonywaniem zmian i...


świętokrzyskie / Kielce

COGNOR S.A. Oddział Złomrex we Wrocławiu

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


śląskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


mazowieckie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


wielkopolskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


świętokrzyskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


zachodniopomorskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


małopolskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


podlaskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


podkarpackie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


łódzkie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


kujawsko-pomorskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


lubelskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


lubuskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


dolnośląskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


pomorskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


warmińsko-mazurskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Field Service Engineer (FSE)

Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia’s water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time. Ability to be a forward...


opolskie /

Ecolutia Services Ltd

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Blacharz / Zbrojarz Samochodowy

Opis stanowiska wykonywanie zleconych napraw blacharskich/zbrojeniowych zgodnie z technologią producenta marki, weryfikacja i opis szkód w pojazdach, rejestrowanie czasów i praca z wykorzystaniem systemów informatycznych, dbałość o utrzymanie wysokiej jakości...


mazowieckie / Warszawa

Auto Fus Group sp. J.

Data dodania: 2024-07-19

Doradca serwisu ds. blacharsko-lakierniczych i likwidacji szkód

Opis stanowiska prowadzenie serwisu według przyjętych standardów profesjonalna obsługa Klienta realizacja założonych planów współudział w tworzeniu strategii firmy dbałość o wizerunek serwisu Wymagania znajomość branży motoryzacyjnej doświadczenie w...


mazowieckie / Warszawa

Auto Fus Group sp. J.

Data dodania: 2024-07-19